
Natural Food Supplements: Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide And Octacosanol

By Georgy Kharchenko

As darkness falls at the end of each day, melatonin production rises. In the morning, when daylight hits the retina, neural impulses cause production of the hormone to slow. Clearly, light and darkness are the primary factors that set the rhythms of melatonin production. However, they are not the only factors involved. In fact, it has been found that a variety of regular daily routines can strengthen the rhythm of melatonin production. Here are a few simple ways in which you can help your body maintain high levels of this important hormone: Eat regular meals. The rhythm of melatonin production is strengthened by regular daily routines. Keep your meal times as regular as possible to keep your body in sync with the rhythms of the day.

Keep your diet light at night. When melatonin production begins after nightfall, the digestive process is slowed.

Thus, any heavy foods eaten close to bedtime may lead to digestive problems, which can make it difficult to sleep. To get the sleep you need, eat small, light meals in the late evening.

Avoid stimulants. Stimulants such as coffee, tea, and caffeine containing medications and soft drinks can interfere with melatonin production by interfering with your sleep. As much as possible, eliminate these stimulants from your diet and lifestyle.

Avoid exercising late at night. Vigorous activity delays melatonin secretion. If you exercise in the morning, you will reinforce healthful sleeping habits that lead to regular melatonin production. For best results, do your morning exercise outdoors, in the morning light.


Most North Americans today eat considerable amounts of processed food, and MSM is normally either not present at all or present only in very small amounts in the typical diet. Most people therefore would probably benefit from supplementation.

Research suggests that we require a constant supply of MSM for optimum good health, as sulfur is one of the essential minerals. Commonly recommended dosage levels are about 2,000 milligrams (2 grams) per day taken in divided doses, with the morning and evening meals, but it is best to start out at 1,000 milligrams (1 gram) per day to avoid a too-rapid rate of detoxification. Benefits usually become evident in two to twenty-one days, and can be enhanced by vitamin C supplementation. MSM from Aerobic Life Industries and OptiMSM , which is an ingredient in products made by Allergy Research Group, Bluebonnet, Country Life, Jarrow, and others, are good sources. Natrol, Inc., produces a good MSM supplement as well.

Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NADH)

NADH is a form of vitamin 63 (niacin) that is essential for the production of various neurotransmitters and cellular energy. NADH, which is also known as coenzyme 1, also acts as an antioxidant .

As we age, natural levels of NADH decline, which can lead to reduced levels of both energy and significant brain chemicals. Taking supplemental NADH can result in improvements in the biochemistry of energy production, especially in the brain and nervous systems. NADH shows promise as a therapy for Parkinson’s disease because it results in an increase in brain levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine, which is deficient in people with this disorder. People with Alzheimer’s disease may be helped by this supplement as well. Some people suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) have shown significant improvement with NADH therapy. ENADA (NADH) from Kal Dietary Supplements is a good source of NADH.


Octacosanol is a naturally derived wheat germ oil concentrate. Although it would be possible to extract octacosanol from whole wheat, 10 pounds of wheat would be needed to obtain just 1,000 micrograms of octacosanol. Wheat germ has long been known for its many benefits. Today, extracts of wheat germ weighing only 2 milligrams offer remarkable benefits as well.

Octacosanol has been clinically proven to increase oxygen utilization during exercise and improve glycogen stores in muscle tissue. As a result, it increases physical endurance, improves reaction time, reduces high-altitude stress, and aids in tissue oxygenation. This substance can greatly benefit those who experience muscle pain after exercise or have a lowered endurance level. It is good for muscular dystrophies and other neuromuscular disorders as well. It also reduces blood cholesterol levels.

About the Author: Georgiy Kharchenko with American Weight Loss Group LLC selling:

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